Meta S 2025: NO EODs plz

Joined 6 years ago Maryland Offline

I like to help friends by posting Up for Grabs letters. I also try to send to people I know are playing.
I prefer to send gold letters to people who need them, preferably to people who have sent to me. If you've sent to me I try to reciprocate but may eventually send a letter you don't need if I don't find letters you do need.

I usually find all the Eggs of the Day a couple hours after reset. I will IGNORE eggs of the day sent to me later because they are useless to me. Please post them instead

About Myself


Thank you for the Gold letters Meta! I send them back when I see your name. Much appreciated!!
Thanks to Bodo and Klaus Peter for the Up for Grabs eggs I needed to finish my word
I really need numbers in tribes if you would add me please
I'm happy to post eggs and letters Up for Grabs so my friends can complete their word missions and get Eggs of the Day and hope they will be useful If I notice someone is taking all my Up for Grabs posts - ones not needed for their missions - I will remove them as a friend.
Thank You very much!!!