🐞Di Wendi 2022🐞☕

Joined 4 years ago Norwich Offline

About Myself
Betting shop manager
My Interests
Crochet, knitting ,gardening,reading,baking,walking
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I'm having to give this up for a while,haven't the time since I'm now back to work after the furlogh. Thank you to all that helped me . I'll pop back on sporadically.
Happy New year to you all. X
Message to all new players, please don't post mission eggs on the activity page, they cannot be used by anyone, they just clutter up the page and push EOD's, letters and Magic eggs off the page. If there are any of you that are not allreay friends please feel free to send me a buddy request...
May i asked why you post all eggs they do no one any good has to be letters for your word game and the MAGIC EGG FOR WHEN YOUR LOOK FOR A EGG YOU CAN NOT FIND BUT WILL NOT WORK ON THE LETTERS IF YOU NEED
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JoyEggs Group

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