Fiona taking a break

Joined 4 years ago Waikato, New Zealand Offline

Married for 42 years, 5 children, 8 grandchildren Live in New Zealand


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Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
I can't understand it. I just posted over 100 letters on here because I counted them and there is not a single one here
Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
Its OK I saw who it was and have now removed her. Deann Varner Words & Farm Daily
Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
I read her profile on here and she admits she does it!
Said we were all adults so could play the way we like so I thought, "I play to help others " so she's not a 'friend' anymore
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Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
A person called Deanne Varner does that on Joywords as well. A little pop up shows when she starts taking the letters I've posted so I stop. I post to help people make words not try and be "top"
I immediately remove the players who do this.
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Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
How do you get coins for the word game
Quinn Lassey Karen 4 years ago
find them in the game while playing or buy in store
Also you get coins at the end of the month depending on your monthly rank. Yes, it's the same coins across games.
Make friends who send you coins. Sometimes there are coins in the word boxes that you can collect. I have Joy Eggs buddies who send gold but I mostly spend it in Joy Words.
Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
Oh so its the same "bank" so to speak
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Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
Need more egg buddies please.
Kathy Hall Dec 2024 4 years ago
friend requests sent
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Fiona taking a break 4 years ago
how do I add you as a friend, just joined today