Retired, handicapped, pampered living along the western Washington coastline. Loving the life with my hubby who takes fantastic care of me. Mother of 2, grandmother of 5, great grandmother of 7.
Word Challenge Completed: VIBRAPHONE
I think I’ve collected all my complete EOTD task as well. I’ve been posting as many as I find, which aren’t easy to do but hope they are helping someone. All task completed now moving on now. Take care.
Word Challenge Completed: GROTESQUE
Thanks for the help with EOTD. All eggs found and mission completed. Moving on. All task and missions completed. Have a nice day tomorrow.
Word Challenge Completed: FLIER
Have a great day. All points were sent on my egg mission. Just didn’t get it in my message when the screen changed. Done here for now. Take care. See you later.
Thanks to those who helped me with my mission, I finally found my last egg. All points sen. Just found last letter of my task. Word Challenge Completed: GRATIFIED Thank you to those who sent me eggs for my EOTD mission. I just finished finding the last of them. This task is done. Have a wonderful night a nd a fantastic day tomorrow. Take care.
Word Challenge Completed: METACARPAL
Thanks Sue Valente for helping me with my EOTD mission. I just finished finding the remaining eggs to complete this task. Moving on to Farm. Have a great day. Be safe.
Thank you Lynn Hall for posting S’s . It took me awhile to find them but they sure helped me out. This word Challenge is Complete: SPORTSCAST
Thank you Sue Valente for helping me with my EOTD task I have all of them now. Not done with Word or Farm but will come back later today. Must get to bed. Nearly 5a.m. Need to be up by 10 a.m. be well and stay safe.
Word Challenge Completed: HANGDOG
Thanks to Sue Valente for sending me my first 3 EOTD. I finally found my remaining 3 to finish this mission. Points sent. heading back to find my last mission egg to complete that task. My eggs have been all sent out. Be safe and take care.
Word Challenge Completed: ABDUCTION
Moving on to Farm then Word. Thanks to Sue Valente for helping me with my EOTD task. That mission is complete. Have a wonderful evening and a beautiful Easter 🐣 Holiday with many blessings. Be safe if you’re traveling. Take care.