Anna Head Daugherty

Joined 6 years ago Offline

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Could I try to play again ? What do I have to do? Thanks
Just looking around
I want to Thank everyone for your help, I may not remember everyone's name, But I do Thank each and everyone of you
Thanks for all of your help with my missions
Friends, I'll try to get back on every day and give the Golden Coins, My Son in law passed away yesterday. I'll be jump on and off when I can, Thanks for under standing
Thank everyone for the Gold coins
Smilas, Angel, Valerie, Janet, and Vanessa, Thank you sweet buddies for the Joy Eggs , For my Mission
Tracy and Wendy, Went to Thank you both for the eggs That went to my mission. Also Thanks to Everyone that sent Golden Eggs
Hi, Let me try again... Vanessa, Wendy, Gwen,Tracy and Birgitta, Thank you All for your help with my Joy Eggs
Thank you everyone ,For your help with my mission letters and eggs
where do you get letters you send to me for my words? Deann keep askiing me to send her letters.I want to help others but don't know.
And Thank everyone that sent me golden eggs
Thank everyone for your help with my Missions, Your Wonderful buddies Thank you So much
Hello, I'm back Did anyone miss me?
Sorry i Want to Thank everyone for The Golden Eggs Thank You
Tammy,Bonnie, Jessica, and Deann, For All of you I want you to know I appreciate Your help ,So much Also for the Golden Eggs
I want thank Everyone for the Joy Words The Joy Eggs Also Golden Eggs I do thank you So Much .
Will I'll try again, This makes 3 times I've typed this and I am very slow at typing. I keep hitting the wrong key and it's gone. I want you to know I have had so many helping me to night. 10 or 12 all at the same. I loved it. I can't type every one's name and my spelling, Anyway I want all of you to know I truly do Appreciate your help. You are Great Buddies, Thanks again Over and Over
I want to thank everyone who helped me with my Game words and sending me Gold Eggs
If anyone else Help me Thank you I can't remember all of your names .I really do Appreciate all of you
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