Laura Neeley

Joined 5 years ago Offline

About Myself
Love playing games with friends


Went threw my friends list just now deleted all who didn't play in months or longer I need players thank you
I be back to playing as soon I get ti feeling I been sick for a while I went to the doctor yesterday I got very high blood pressure and anxiety bad right now I be back to playing soon as I can
Please like my eggs before I been seeing a lot people taking my eggs and not liking them them
thank you so much but i had so i thought you could get points from another player thank you so much
go to activity to get letters
its not like egg buddies but they keep post in every thing but a letter
Anybody here play word buddies if you do can you add me to it I just started playing it I need lots of players have good night
Anybody here play word buddies if you do can you add me to it I just started playing it I need lots of players have good night
Due to recent family death I be playing as I can I am having hard time with this death so I be playing as I can please understand
friends 93 post likes 606 comments 11

My Groups

JoyEggs Group

Profile Comments

Pat Mount 2 years ago
I would love to add you to Egg Buddies! Lost everything there and am starting over. Daily player.
Laura Neeley 3 years ago
I play joy eggs only would like to go back playing egg buddies if I had players
Martha Bundy 3 years ago
I am on Egg Buddies.You can add me if you would like. Martha Bundy