Patricia I would be happy to send EOD to Gwen's account to help out and any mission eggs. In the next couple of weeks I will be out for awhile due to cancer surgery and won't be able to help for a few days. Keep us posted about Gwen. Prayers and hugs
Just to let you all know I will not be for awhile after Christmas. Was diagnosed with kidney cancer and they will be removing the kidney after the holiday. Will be back after recovery.
Just to let you all know after Christmas I wont be on for awhile. They just confirmed that I have kidney cancer and are removing the kidney soon after the holiday. I hope to be back after that.
I'm really not a stupid person but could someone explain how to search a profile for multiple names. I click on their profiles and am not seeing anything than likes, posts and friends. I also do not have option to block just remove from like games we play
Hi Sue. I have just clicked on your name,your page comes up,i clicked on your profile on the lefthand side,then on the right it says friends and how many you have,click on that and a list of all your friends came up.xx
Can accept eggs but again cannot send eggs. All people on friends list are people who play daily. Not sure what to do. Really don't want to block a legitimate player
I'm sorry Renee. When I clicked on the w with no name it took a few hours to go away after I blocked. I still couldn't send coins and realized there was another profile with name I had to block