Kay Neeley

Joined 3 years ago Offline


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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Thanks for the help new buddies welcomed
Janice Poisson 1 years ago
Kay why did you delete me yesterday ? all I said was sorry your name has not been coming up for me to send you eggs and if your name does not show I can't send an. egg that you might need...any way it is ok if you want to delete me I help as many as I can.
janice you are a great buddie
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Thanks phyl for the eggs and myself
Very welcome Kay. thank-you for yours also. xx
Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Your welcome to
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Thanks 2 buddies for the last egg God bless you for it
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
I was disappointed this morning on this game not one egg gift I got from nobody one person sent gold to me that's it I got 23 friends most of the stopped playing I am looking for honest players
Klaus-Peter Sep 24 1 years ago
sent you a request
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Thanks all who sent eggs for my mission new buddies welcomed πŸ˜‰
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
I will thanks
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
When I add people they never add back why why so frustrated I need helpers and players
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Kay Neeley 1 years ago
Searching for players who help me on my game I been looking for my last mission can't find it I don't have enough players most have stopped playing I send to people most never return gifts deleting none players
Janice Poisson 1 years ago
friends request sent..
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
I had old account under Laura neeley joy buddies I just deleted my old Facebook last year so I made new account under my middle so any old players can add me to this new account thanks
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Needing lots of buddies to play with I play all I can
I do send to you when I see your name.
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks for the help but I get very sick little dog here lately trying to get him better it's a job trying to help him so play as I can
Mary E Jackson 2 years ago
Sorry about your dog beiing sick sending prayersto you both to get well soon
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks one friend for one egg sent only egg I got I got the rest myself I need buddies here
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks one friend for the one egg I got I found the rest myself I need buddies
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks for the few eggs I found the rest myself looking for active players I got many who don't play the game anymore
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Looking for lots of buddies needing help with mission egg only one I been looking for it no luck on finding it
Just sent it Kay.xx
Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thank you phyl
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Finally found it the mission egg thanks Lynn hall for 2 eod much appreciated goodnight
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Why so difficult to get joy egg buddies I need them I have added some still never accept I see others have no problem getting buddies just my luck here
I just added you. X
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks to all who sent to me I found the last egg finally I still need buddies for my game
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
Thanks for the help looking for new buddies I don't have at all most of my players have stopped playing I need to clean up my list on that since they no longer play
i added you
sent you a f/r
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
As I came back to my game I see lot of my buddies have stopped playing the game so I am in need of lots of players so I have to delete the ones who have stopped playing
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Kay Neeley 2 years ago
I am back after been away long while I had been sick some to and lot of life things going on everything is okay now am back to playing just add if you want to play goodnight all