Pat Lozier All of 2025

Joined 4 years ago PA Offline

About Myself
Retired nurse living alone with my 2 cats Bennie and Tawnie. I had to put Bennie down due to endstage Renal disease. Have a new kitten, born in my living room closet. His name is Tigger.
My Interests
cook, bake play games genealogy reading music
Films I Like
Dirty dancing, Pretty woman, Fast and Furious series.
Books I Like
Rachel Wesson's historical fiction.


I don't think anyone's is working right.
I don't think anyone's is working right.
Thank you fir the eggs. Haven't been in as much as I would. Have a cold and quite congested. Again, thank you
Thank you just need lots of prayers for Dave he had a 5 way open heart and he not doing good .
I just finished my word. BELLEVILLE!
I just finished MARQUE. Thanks Birgitta.
I just finished my word OBSERVANCE.
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Profile Comments

Hi Pat,
Can you post your Gold Word please. TIA