I just did Monitory.
I just did Speculate.
I just did Oxordshire.
Thursday and Friday I will be in Wind Creek Casino!
Family and Mr.Reeves is causing me to have bad headaches!
I just did Sebaceous.
I just did Express.
I just did Swivel.
I just did Benefice.
I just did Grapevine.
I just did Passible.
I just did Watertown.
I've been having a bad day a lot!
I just did Noxious.
I just did Seductress.
I just did Holloway.
I just did Deify.
I just did Benevolent.
Windcreek Casino be there end of this month!
I just did Warlock.
Keanu Reeves Mother has Heart and Kidney Problems!