Tomislav Banjavcic (Sept 24)

Joined 6 years ago Offline


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they are probably from the Machine, those eggs are no good, also he posts mission eggs which are no good either
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just noticed that I am at 2,500 completed missions and have moved into 10th place all-time, thanks to all the great Buddies that made it all possible
Congratulations Tomislav. What a great accomplishment!!
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Time to post a public service announcement about posting old mission eggs, they are useless and can't be used by anyone else to complete their mission, the only eggs that should be posted to the activity page are current days EODs, letters and magic eggs, the rest just clutter the page up, just wasted a lot of time searching through 5 pages cluttered up with useless eggs ... rant over
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you can only send gold to anyone once every 24 hrs, and they must first accept any previous gold that was sent to the, it often takes a while to catch up with everyone, some day I send more than I receive, other days I receive more than I can send ...
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posted an L 8 min. ago
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we have gone over this many times, for the benefit of new players, please don't post old mission eggs to the activity board, they can't be used by anyone and just clutter it up making it harder to find EOD's, letters and magic eggs, also any eggs you get from the machine are useless as well ...
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how many buddies do you have? I sent you an f/r
I have a lot lol!! Just accepted your request thanks!! Just venting
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I now have all the badges
Congratylations Tomislav. Happy New Year!!
same to you
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just completed my 2,000th mission with a lot of help from my JoyBuddies thanks to you all!!!
Congrats Tomislav. WTG!!
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been looking for a green W for 3 days now, not even any on the activity pages, has anyone seen one?
LYNETTE DE LIRA 2024 4 years ago
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you know that you can use the same letter multiple times and still send it to a friend and give it away by simply hitting the arrow to page back
Thank you very much, I did not know that.
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My old account came back, don't know if I will be able to use them both
Other people have 2 accounts. Maybe you can use both.
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posting old eggs only knocks the EOD's letter eggs and Magic eggs off the activity list, while you may think you are helping new players you are not, they can't be used for missions, when a player grabs 1 all they get is 1 point, they still have to go back and hunt for them in friends nests or look for a magic egg on the activity page. There are no rules on posting on the activity page it is just common courtesy help the most people by not cluttering up the activity page with useless eggs ... there are no bonus points or badges for collecting old eggs, you get them for completing missions find ... (more)
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note to new players, please don't post mission eggs to the activity board, they can't be used for missions, they just clutter up the board and knock EOD's , letters and Magic eggs off the board. I cleaned the board up to remove the junk eggs ...
I can give another tip to new players, when you find an EOD for the second time you have 2 options, add it to your favourites or put it up for grabs, you can actually do both, first add it to your favourites, then click the page back arrow in the top left corner it will take you back you can then put it up for grabs, you can do the same with letter eggs you find for your word mission, use it yourself first then page back and put it up for grabs. In either WBs or JoyWords you can page back on a letter as many times as you need it then send it to a friend and then put it up for grabs ...
when one egg can go to so many people its hard to pick, I maybe the guilty one putting eggs out, was not aware that it knocked the others out, thanks for posting
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the game creators are not English speaking so some of the words can't be translated into English, remember people from all over the world play this game, some use different letter characters so not all words make sense in English.
I seem to be able to find lots of S's when I don't need them, I posted 3 of them yesterday and no-one claimed them.
Yes Tomislav I get that but I still think names of places in different countries is a bit much when they are usually words that require finding L's and S's which are few and hard to find. Seems like they just like to add to my frustration when faced with looking for a word with L's and S's. I should be grateful they don't use my surname for a word to search for.
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Message to all new players, please don't post mission eggs on the activity page, they cannot be used by anyone, they just clutter up the page and push EOD's, letters and Magic eggs off the page. If there are any of you that are not allreay friends please feel free to send me a buddy request...
Do we need to type it in what about the points I put this in Farm
Gwen Moore(JUNE 2021) 4 years ago
tou tell them tom....
Isabel Lino/Fev25 4 years ago
Totally agree.
Janice said this in Farm.
what does that mean?
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just posted one